Monday, August 4, 2008

Reid Stowe Writes His Bliss- Day 473 of Sailing Around the World

August 4, 2008
Day 473

Love Illuminations
Wind S 10 to 15 knots, Course N 1 knot, Position 4*17n by 95*14w

Out here alone on the open blue sea after 100's of days with an eternity ahead of me it often is as if I have left my body behind and I am riding a ray of light into the sun.I feel as though I have been given the grace to experience the after life state. I float in infinity. I have been interested in this phenomena since I was a teenager and studied and been influenced by a range of beliefs from the Tibetan Book of the Dead to scientific studies by modern scientists like Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. They all describe an out of the body journey into the light where your life is revealed to you and your actions are multiplied. If you have a clear conscious and have lived a life of love and service like saints then your transition is peace and radiance. If you have made mistakes and are imperfect like me then you face your demons { flaws }. I am surviving here on a very fine intense balance using a lifetime of skill, will and love. Everything is beautiful and then suddenly I am facing my imperfections in many forms, thoughts, mistakes etc. I give love, love, love and keep my balance This is how I survive in the realm between life and death. If I have “Love Illuminations” every day, then I am fortified and strengthened and ready for what ever comes.Before I left on this mission I spoke about my hope to succeed is nourished by my ability to give love. I try to share this as much as I can, the way of enlightened exploration. A journey of the soul, truly an endeavor we all must take in our lives. Here I am. Imagine me reflecting love back to you.


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